




How to play?

  1. Optional: ✅Check the VIP/SUB checkboxes so only vips and/or subscribers can join and vote, otherwise everyone can. This cannot be changed during the game.
  2. Type a valid Twitch channel inside the text box in the up-left corner and press Enter. The channel cannot be changed during the game.
  3. Now chat can type !join to join the Queue area (right side of the screen). Max number is 300, but everyone can play.
  4. Streamer can adjust ⏳max time for a move from 10s to 120s. This time cannot be changed during the game.
  5. After at least 32 joined the queue area the streamer can press START.
  6. Chat and people in the Queue can 💬vote a move as: g8h6, this means piece (Knight♞) from G8 to H6. The piece will move automaticaly and the streamer cannot click on chat's pieces nor streamer can vote or !join.
  7. Chat's votes are accounted only when it's chat's turn and only valid moves are considered (min people to vote = 2). If the most voted move doesn't change within 10s then chat will move its piece sooner than the remaining time.
  8. Promotion: If a Pawn reaches the oppsite side it can be replaced with one of the following: Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight, no matter if they already own a Queen or two Knights. Chat's promotion will be randomly selected.
  9. Game ends on draw or win. A draw can be called by the rules of 50Moves, Stalement, Insufficient material and a win can be called after one is checkmate or timeout.
  10. Scores in Leaderboard are sorted by MatchPoints, (1 MP = 3 GamePoints). Chat gains 1GP if streamer presses RESET or refreshes the browser , restarts the computer or goes shopping during game :p.
  11. Emotes: People can react with twitch emotes inside the game.
  12. Minigame: Curses can be used against the opponent by players on the chessboard.
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coming after testing...